Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Nielson: time spent at most newspaper web sites declined in November

Via E&P, a Nielson study found visitors are spending less time at newspaper web sites compared to a year ago.
The average time spent at most of the top 30 newspaper Web sites (as ranked by unique visitors) went down in November compared to the same period a year ago, according to the latest data from Nielsen Online.
There were some standout gainers, however: Politico doubled its year-over-year time spent to almost 11 minutes in November. But it's down from the month of October when the average time spent (at the high point of the election campaign) on the site was 18 minutes and 44 seconds.

Click here to see the top 30. Hat tip: emailer
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's spelled "Nielsen" not Nielson!

people in glass houses....