Will the KC Star publish the mugshots? That's what the KC Star has done multiple times when celebrities or politicians get busted on DUIs. In fact, the same day the KC Star finally published info on Lokeman's arrest they printed the DUI mugshot of this d-list celebrity. Being a long-term KC Star columnist plus the wife of the publisher, why should she get special treatment by the Star?
Hat tip: Tony's Kansas City
Sista's lookin a tat ratty dez daez.
Was anyone at the Star ever able to locate her for comment?
I think we know how much effort the reporter put into trying to contact Lokeman.
oh wait. wrong thread.
Whoa! Shit! Is that a 5 o'clock shadow? STOP THE PRESSES!
Effing. Awesome.
Was no one able to find Mark Zieman for comment?
The Z-man has left the building.
Mr. Lokeman was AWOL, not one, even one, reporter of the news could find him. Controlling the news is his forte, lest anyone forget that.
Ugly is as ugly does.
If Lokeman never writes another of her ignorant columns, the world would be a better place.
Lokeman’s mugshot looks like she was-
‘Rode hard and put away wet’
That is something said about a horse, but close enough.
The KC Bloggers are having a field day with the Lokeman DUI. After all her shrill clucking, it seem the chickens have come home to roost, or whatever.
You guys are HORRIBLE! Keep up the great work!
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