Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Report: Kansas City Star to cut 30 postions in addition to closing 3 of 4 bureaus

Bottom Line Communications has this info from former KC Star columnist Hearne Christopher, Jr.:

"The bottom line: an additional 30 or-so newsroom staff cuts are anticipated along with the closing of three of the four outlying Star offices (the Olathe bureau is expected to stay). That, after the decimation that was last year. A news staff meeting is expected to go down this afternoon. However you cut the cake, the look and content of The Star and other daily papers is pretty much a slam dunk to change like never before in the weeks, months, years to come."
Hat tip: comments

UPDATE: I deleted several spam posts in this thread. Explanation here. Somebody was spamming the comments section because they couldn't control the content. (Gatekeeper Disease!?) I don't censor speech I disagree with but I do censor spam and profanity. And I'm doing a little research to zero in on the offender.


Anonymous said...

Wow, he said newsroom staff. I can't believe that is all that is going to get axed. They still have the fattest columnist line up in the entire midwest.

Anonymous said...

Since Christopher doesn't work at the Star and the meeting hasn't does he know.

Anonymous said...

He doesn't. He's habitually misinformed.

Anonymous said...

He doesn't know his ______ from his head. They cut him and should have done it sooner.

Anonymous said...

LOL His column was more popular than all the race baiting aditorialist and moonbats combined.

But nooooo! The Star had to keep Lewis Duiguid, Rhonda "three legs" Lokeman, Mary "Open Borders" Sanchez and Beady Eyed Mike.

Anonymous said...

Yikes, KC Scar free six-days-a-week paper idea!

Q. How few times a week can a daily paper publish and remain viable?

A. “Brisbane says, ….Maybe print a [free six-days-a-week paper] but with only 40,000 copies a day and on Sunday you have a mega paper with 300,000 or greater circulation. That way you preserve the single most profitable part of the paper which is the Sunday paper - that is overwhelmingly the most profitable part of the paper. The problem though is, you [reduce your visibility and the newspaper reading habit.”]

Anonymous said...

I have been told that that was a stupid Idea. That a former reporter/columnist/editor would suggest it. I'm speechless.
BUT to restrict supply, which would not help advertising, but would help that "I Want Mine" Circulation idea. Oh yeah we don't want to print newspapers anymore, sorry. This would be a great time for someone with a little knowledge to start a little paper and .......

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Is that you Fatback?...or you Ron da? How about you Duiguid? Penn? I thought you're supposed to be so brave and put your name on your posts? Wad up wid dat?

Nothing like a crazed moonbat. Stick it with a fork...they're done.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

So to protest the spamming of political content on this site, someone has launched a new blog and decided to promote it by ... wait for it ... spamming the address on this site.


Anonymous said...

No, they can't be protesting the spamming of political content, because political content is one of the designated topics.

I am pretty sure that he is protesting his inability to dictate the topics of discussion. Obviously a devoted McClatchy employee. That seems to be what they do best and they're seeing that slip away.

My guess is, it is our snarky poet. He's obviously just as rude and pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Nope. That's someone else. But here's a sonnet for you:

Thy gift, thy tables, are within my brain
Full charactered with lasting memory,
Which shall above that idle rank remain
Beyond all date even to eternity.
Or at the least, so long as brain and heart
Have faculty by nature to subsist,
Till each to razed oblivion yield his part
Of thee, thy record never can be missed:
That poor retention could not so much hold,
Nor need I tallies thy dear love to score,
Therefore to give them from me was I bold,
To trust those tables that receive thee more:
To keep an adjunct to remember thee
Were to import forgetfulness in me.

Anonymous said...

A word from the host about posting links in the comments section:

I encourage people to post links to interesting blogs or news articles. Sharing news items is one of the biggest benefits of the comments section. I scan comments myself to look for items to link to.

But somebody has been abusing the situation by posting a link -- several times -- to some other blog. (Ironically they can't get seem to get the URL correct.)

Apparently this person is mad that all the comments in this blog aren't narrowly focused on layoffs. So he has started spamming comments with the (wrong) link to his preferred blog. Once or twice would have been fine. But spamming is not nice. So I'll be deleting his spam.

Anonymous said...

Could we axe the poet too?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

So he has started spamming comments with the (wrong) link to his preferred blog.
Interesting, go to his wrong link and Comodo AntiVirus picks up "Unclassified Malware". Thank heaven for real time virus protection.

I'd imagine that is why he is giving you a phony link.

Anonymous said...

Spam does not fall under freedom of speech on a discussion blog IMO. If there was news of interest on the link to share, then it belongs here to help the information cycle. This jerk is just a jerk. Ban the poster, he adds nothing.

Anonymous said...

Re: Spammer
Before I knew about the span, I did try to link to the site, and my virus protection would not open the page. I have a very high protection setting, but I think to be safe, every link by that person should be deleted and blocked, and everyone that promotes that site also deleted. I am not sure what their intention is, but our regulars don’t need the aggravation.

Anonymous said...

This definitely isn't just spamming.
He is trying to upload malware. My software blocked and quarantined it.

I feel kind of sorry for the McClatchy cheerleaders now.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Right, good for you. Why then do I have the virus quarantined? If this host requires it, I will provide a copy and a screen shot of the detection with the exact time it was found.
Trying to get a few more suckers to download your back door?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Junior knows he's caught!

Anonymous said...
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