Here's the latest Gary Pruitt news... kicking off the Newspaper Association of America conference in San Diego Monday, Pruitt tried to inspire the attendees by playing
The Battle Hymn of the Republic while a montage of McClatchy photojournalism played on the screen.
To see the text of Pruitt's speech,
click here. To see the speech Jeff Jarvis says the NAA should have heard,
click here.
Hat tip:
Fitz and Jen.
I am glad Pru likes his tunes. It is way past time for him to face the music.
HAHAHAHAHA. And I know you're not joking.
Can some one who was there fill us in?
Why didn't he simply play the Cuban National Anthem?
Stick a fork in the commie Globe!
Globe to raise prices to $1.50 daily ‘to remain viable’
The Boston Globe is raising its prices in an effort “to remain viable,” according to a memo to its distributor obtained by the Herald.
Effective May 4, the cover price of the beleaguered broadsheet delivered outside of Greater Boston Monday through Saturday will increase to $1.50 - a 50-cent increase.
The price of the Sunday Globe will increase to $3.50 in Eastern Massachusetts and $4 everywhere else.
Should have played the Internationale.
The Battle Hymn of the Republic was first published in The Atlantic Monthly. How sad that the Atlantic is now a Trig-Truth pushing gossip rag.
At least he won't owe any royalties on that one.
I thought all travel and conferences had been cancelled a couple of years ago...at least that was what I was told year after year when an educational conference came up that was proven year after year to save money, put money in the coffer, and decrease financial losses. Bigots and liars abound!
In all honesty, the Stones seem to fit Pruitt’s image better than patriotic music. Geriatric Stoners and an out-of-touch CEO, a match made for MNI’s bankruptcy court special appearance music.
For Pruitt’s next outing, I suggest the Beatles and their ‘I’m A Loser,’ for his tune of the day.
Pruitt’s tunes, “Down In The Hole.” Or “’Till The Money Runs Out,”
Everyone is getting into the act. Funny, very funny.
More from Fitz & Jen
Fitz: The McClatchy Co. Chairman and CEO Gary Pruitt -- talking Tuesday as chairman of another hurting organization, the Newspaper Association of America (NAA), at their convention -- kidded on the square that he couldn’t figure out what downer Rolling Stones tune should lead off his presentation. “Can’t Always Get What You Want,” say. Or “Shattered.”
Meanwhile, when it came to McClatchy stock (NYSE: MNI) on Tuesday, The Street had its own tunes in mind, apparently. Maybe something from Tom Waits like “Way Down In The Hole.” Or “’Till The Money Runs Out,” with its an investment history a little better than MNI’s recently: “I sold a quart of blood and bought a half a pint of scotch.”
MNI fell 11.2% during the session, closing at 55 cents on a 7-cent decline.
"Newspapers should provide high quality public service journalism so that the public can fully participate in democracy."
Who thinks Pru has lived up to his own words?
Interesting choice of song... a civil war call to arms based on scripture.
Rev 19:15
15 From his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations, and he will rule them with a rod of iron. He will tread the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty.
Do you think the Pru is up to the task?
I am surprised Pruitt has enough nerve to appear in public. What does someone who has killed a company have to say that anyone would want to hear?
The civil war song makes the board members happy, reminding them of their childhoods.
New song for Pru: "Free Fallin'"
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