Sunday, May 24, 2009

Memorial Day weekend posts

Today and tomorrow I'll be re-posting some oldie but goodie McClatchy Watch posts on military heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice. I want readers to know about Master Sgt. Woodrow Wilson Keeble, Lieutenant Patrick Murphy, and Private Ross McGinnis.


Anonymous said...

Nice of Bush to honor soldiers who died needlessly at his behest. Really, the least the chicken hawk could do.

Anonymous said...

samll price to pay for the right wing agenda

Anonymous said...

Bush loved the military.

Who does the Obamababoon love?

The Islamofascist loves the Al-Queda foot soldiers that try to kill US servicemen.

Anonymous said...

For all the very concerned patriotic and idiotic lefty's, could we ask how many military were honored who died needlessly by Roosevelt, Truman, Johnson or Kennedy. How soon you forget....or rather to stupid to ever know.I'm sure the troops appreciate all your considerations. Most of you were too yellow to ever serve. Hope you feel better you scum.

God Bless The Troops Everywhere.

Anonymous said...

There is a blog ‘Wake Up Black America’ that I enjoy. The blog owner has a gift for straight talk from his perspective that doesn’t bore you to death. Remember Obama seeing falling heroes in the audience?
conservative brother
Location: Baltimore,

“This [video] is Barack Obama one year ago speaking at a Memorial Day ceremony in New Mexico. Obama's comments about seeing fallen heroes in the audience was the first known example that Obama's teleprompter was really the one calling the shots.”

Anonymous said...

The nasty posts on this topic remind me of the cheap shots that Bush took when he asked Webb about his son in the military. All about politics and advantage all the time. It's the democrat way.
Notice how classy young McCain was when approached by Obama...what a contrast!
Why can't the democrats just let these stories be about heroes and celebrate their courage. Why can't they allow Memorial Day to be a remembrance of the courage and sacrifice of men and women who protected this nation. I am pretty sure that they were not checked for party affiliation before they served.

McClatchy Watch said...

Here's the link: Wake Up Black America

Anonymous said...

Yes, Bush and Cheney, grizzled warriors and veterans both. They spent the Vietnam war defending Alabama from Ho Chi Minh and making sure the Cong didn't infiltrate the University of Wisconsin's graduate school.

God bless these American heroes.

Anonymous said...

This weekend is about heroes not about your hatred.

Anonymous said...

5:25 PM
Bush did not take cheap shots at Sen. Webb, he asked him how his son was? Webb answered with a cheap political shot for the election, not about the welfare of his son. Do you people NEVER know the truth?