Obama leaves in a few days for a trip to Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Germany and France. He gives a much-anticipated speech in Egypt Thursday. Below is a
McClatchy graphic of the trip.

I'm wondering if Obama will discover new ways to humiliate his country. I can't forget Obama
bowing to an unelected king on his last trip.
All Obama all the time......and why are readers and advertisers departing....duh!!
...I'm wondering if Obama will discover new ways to humiliate his country. I can't forget Obama bowing to an unelected king on his last trip....
You mean like Reagan and Gorbachev? Or did that not bother you because he was/is your hero?
Hey Obama, don't come back.
Obama shows what a coward he is by leaving when GM bankrupts this week.
Yes, I too wonder how far HUSSEIN Obama will bow to his Saudi masters.
Hope and Change = Allah Akbar! Death to Israel!
For someone who preaches middle of the road journalism, you are quite a hypocrite, and btw I am a republican
Yes, Obama and the Saudi King will offer prayers to Mohammed Atta and the other 14 Saudi hijackers on 9-11.
Praise Allah.
Don't hate the player. Hate the game. You people are sad and pathetic. Bush kissed so much Saudi ass while he was president he had calluses on his lips. He started a friggin' war for his Saudi butt buddies....wankers.
Bush also supported Israel. Does this mean that the Saudis are Israel supporters?
Good grief. The vast, empty mind of a Leftist.
I'm sure the Obamababoon will be making sweet love to the Saudi king, his master.
What I love is we all know the majority of the hijackers on 9-11 were Saudi, yet lil' Bush attacked Iraq. WTF? Did he not have a map? Oh, wait, he's from Texas and an oil man. Can't attack the Saudi's....so he starts a war costing thousands of lives on both sides and billions of dollars ON THE WRONG COUNTRY. Moron, left or right you gotta know stupid when you see it......
Let's see, the Taliban is gone from Afghanistan (that's where Al-Queda planned the attacks). Saddam Hussein is gone.
And why hasn't the Obamababoon used his powers to catch Bin laden yet?
All that dumb ape has done is bankrupt GM today. LOL.
Great to see you're stealing McClatchy content to entertain the racists.
Make your own graphic.
Here's a graphic of the Obamababoon spotted today when he bankrupted GM.
Once again Kevin you let this Goebbels moron disrespect the president with his racist remarks and you do nothing. If any of you are insulted by this then go to the top of the main page and flag the blog so others can see what kind of crap Kevin allows.
I would also contact all the advertisers on this site and let them know what kind of hate these morons spew. Use screen shots to show them. It works.
The Obamababoon is a vile, disgusting animal.
I would respect him more if he resigns ASAP.
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