Perez Hilton, the revolting "judge" who called Prejean a b***h and c**t, gets a pass from Babin. Surprized?
In comments at the Bee's site, a reader says it well:
"It's telling that the Bee wants Prejean to go away, but is silent relative to the behavior of the Miss USA competition judge who has publicly referred to her as a b**ch and a c**t. Prejean was asked a question that she couldn't have answered honestly and completely without taking a side in a very controversial social issue. She answered it honestly, engaging her right to free speech. Of course, some didn't like her answer, including the judge who called her names. Those folks have done everything they can to vilify Prejean, including publicly calling her nasty names. I'm appalled, but hardly surprised, that the Bee is joining in the vilification of someone who exercised their right to free speech as a matter of integrity & honesty..."
In this case, Babin and the Bee have joined forces with the stormtroopers of the Left who talk about tolerance but work to destroy anybody with a different opinion.
Rex Babin? Isn't he the homosexual activist that did the cartoon trashing the local fire department and they responded by suggesting he might find it difficult to get anyone to help him if his house caught fire?
Got to love the thought process of the average leftist.
When Prejean says what she thinks it's "free speech" but when (admittedly a weirdo) Perez Hilton says what he thinks it's villification? Come on.
Prejean speaks, Hilton speaks, the people at the Bee speak, McClatchy Watch speaks. It's all free speech. If more people listening are agreeing with the side that says Prejean is a tad ignorant and you don't like that... well, sorry. Keep on giving your opinion/speaking freely, and maybe more people will come to your side.
As for a campaign at the Bee to destroy Prejean... well, why do you think it's successful? there are PLENTY of right-wing media outlets. Why do you think there aren't more people listening to them/ giving them credibility?
This comes late, and if somebody already commented on it, sorry, but:
McClatchy says they "went too deep" with the last round of layoffs.
Cool. That means they're going to hire some people back now, right?
It was playing off 15 minutes of fame. Not his best work and that sleazeball Perez Hilton would have fit the cartoon just as well. You have to consider the source - Bee libs.
Gimme a break. Her 15 minutes of fame should be over any time now.
She should have just said that she agreed with President Obama and a majority of California voters.
Carrie Prejean said she was disappointed the so-called feminists didn't come to her defense when a man called her despicable names. She must not realize the feminist movement has been taken over by ugly lesbians. They would resent anyone speaking against them being allowed to marry, and the fact that she is a Christian would rankle their barely concealed hatred of family values.
She must not realize the feminist movement has been taken over by ugly lesbians
She would have to be blind not to realize it, but it never hurts to point out the obvious.
It's all good though. Clinton milk those bitches for all they were worth and then watched them sit in disbelief as he made fools of them all. If Clinton did anything at all right, it was letting those gals completely destroy their credibility.
The Donald admonishes the press: “ought to be ashamed”
Donald Trump stood by Carrie Prejean, and he said the [media ought to be ashamed] of themselves. He was right on, the story should have been about a sick homosexual man going berserk and attacking the free speech of a contestant. Instead they tried to destroy Prejean, and it backfired on them. Anyone watching the insane Hilton’s You Tube video could easily see he is a poor excuse of a human being.
Re: The Sacbee’s right to biased free speech, it seems to be driving them out of business, let them knock themselves OUT.
The cartoon should have been about a sick gay man going poof. That would not occur to a leftist pawn. Being biased for the Democrats is in their DNA, they cannot be rehabilitated, they must lose their platform. At first I was sympathetic with employees losing their jobs, but the slime goes on, and if they really wanted to remain viable, they could revolt from within, and demand neutral reporting, which is their true mission. Employees’ future is in their own hands, and I don’t see anyone stepping up to save their reputation, or their jobs, or even worse as we read here, they are still in denial.
McClatchy's stock, back to .60 cents. Their 15 minutes is just about up.
Plus, I'm sure suscriptions are way up over this cartoon. NOT
Re: AWOL Feminists
I have a true-life feminist story. In her first year of college, my sister attended a casual meeting for feminists. She had a light bulb moment within the first meeting. To her credit, she walked out, as did several others, to hoots and hollers by the creatures. Her exact words were, “They were not about being equal to men, they were about castrating men.” When asked what they wanted in life, one woman said she wanted a husband and family, and then a fulfilling career. She was booed for having her priories in the wrong order. To their sick way of thinking, you cannot have a equal partnership with any man, only another woman!
Post Script: My sister has a husband she loves, and a little boy she adores as well. At age twenty-five she does not seemed concerned about delaying her career a few years in the span of forty working years.
“Perez Hilton says what he thinks it's villification? Come on.”
Calling a contestant vile names crosses the line of repeatable free speech. It is vilification. (I corrected your spelling.) We couldn’t use those words on this blog, or any other I read. Only a sick leftist would okay Hilton’s low class tirade in any form. We saw how corrupt the MSM were in their attempt to destroy Gov. Palin with rumors and name-calling.
Buh bye, shills, trolls, and griefers, posts like the above reinforces my opinion that the media deserves the demise they continue to wish upon themselves.
Who freakin' cares what a bimbo beauty contestant and a bimbo beauty contestant judge think about ANYTHING?
Babin seldom comprehends the real world. His drawings are nothing but 3rd grade stick figures. About half his cartoons cause you to head scratch because they make no sense. He is in a "FOG" of his own making. The drawings you somewhat understand are always anti-right. But it takes up space and uses ink. Just another "winner" at the SACBEE. How to woo readers and gain customers. But it's the economy stupid!!!!!
Blah, blah, blah....I want to see the naked photos of her.....
Perez deserves every bit of the scorn and disdain that is coming his way. Foul, sexualized references for those who disagree is too often the norm for the libs. They think it's political discourse. You know, speech just like every one else. Most people just think its nasty. Unfortunately, this kind of vacuous meanness is the best some on the far left can do.
As for the cartoon in the Bee, its just part of a coordinated campaign to intimate and discourage anyone who disagrees with their point of view.
"Who freakin' cares what a bimbo beauty contestant and a bimbo beauty contestant judge think about ANYTHING?"
The sick media who panders to the gay agenda, that's who. They tried to destroy Carrie Prejean just like they did Joe the Plumber. Most honest people are not falling for that old hat trick any longer. Who cares about the media circling the toilet bowl is a better question. Flush, one giant flush is what I want to hear.
Sacramento rivals San Fransissy as the lost city of Cubafornia. The Bee decided to laud Obama and the leftists’ agendas. It is too late for them to jump the shark and return to any form of truth in journalism. No one will believe them. The Sacbee is a lost cause, they actually stink.
The beauty pageant chick and the fake plumber dude didn't need the media to "destroy" them; they managed to do that themselves.
The beauty pageant chick and the fake plumber dude didn't need the media to "destroy" them; they managed to do that themselves.
Destroy them? LOL. They made them more successful while tearing down media credibility further than ever before.
Joe the Plumber is now a correspondent making 5 times what he did as a plumber and no one even knows who the hell Miss USA even is. All they know is the first runner up who is now guaranteed a wildly lucrative future....For their trouble, Perez Hilton will now get thoroughbred gerbils and add another L to his lisp, MSLSD has 10 viewers instead of 12, McClatchy had to fire the janitors and CNN...well no one is sure where they went. Last we heard they are still looking for a way to pull Anderson Cooper out of the toilet.
Shame on you for referring to Mr/Ms Hilton as a "toilet". His relationship with Mr Cooper should not be a concern of this blog.
I apologize. Let me clarify. Shame on you for referring to Mr/Ms Hilton as "the toilet". His/her/its relationship with Mr/Ms Cooper should not be a concern of this blog.
We have enough critiques about our sensitivity level here, so let's keep our discussions respectful.
See, and you trolls didn't think we'd police our own. Guess that shows you a thing or two.
"CNN...well no one is sure where they went. Last we heard they are still looking for a way to pull Anderson Cooper out of the toilet."
Too late for that, Cooper is in the sewer, and he may have leg tingle syndrome, or teabag hoof in mouth disease. No cure for either I hear. Even liberals have a limit to the smut they will acknowledge in public. CNN has become lower than the Inquirer in credibility.
McClatchy is going to go "poof!" before Carrie Prejean does. Count on it.
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