Rise Up went belly up in August, 2008, just two months after its debut. It was published at the Kansas City Star's printing facility and was distributed in several metropolitan cities. (See the new site here.)
The Kansas City Star filed suit against Janice Ellis and Rise Up for $2.2 million. That case is pending. (Details here.) A Los Angeles newspaper group has also filed suit against Rise Up for $93,000 for breach of contract.
Below is a photo of Janice Ellis during her pre-digital days. And before lawsuits totaling $2.3 million were filed against her. (Photo credit: AP/Day Life)

Hat tip: The Plog
I don't give a damn about copy rights. If you don't take that mug shot down I am going to sue you for pain and suffering!
That is one butt ugly con artist.
Senate Committee has a hearing on "The Future of Journalism"
3:48 PM
Oh Shit! The Future of Journalism according to Mr Trilateral Commission, One World Government with Socialism for you, run by us, John D Rockefeller himself.
That ought to be interesting considering his family history and their use of the media to further their goals.
Marxist libs suing Marxist libs. Who knew?
Rise Up was just a pre-election drivel rag to elect a white/black candidate. Odd how Obooma is always labeled the first black president. I am sure he is half white, and that somehow gets put on a backburner. I say he is the first white/black man to become president. He changed his name from Barry to Barack to get some street cred with his newfound bros. I think Zieman wanted to help the Bam, and thought Soros was paying the freight.
anon 4:54 good call
Research H.R. 1966, Bilderberg, Trilateral and Council on Foreign Relations and realize what people really have planned for you while you play your Red and Blue reindeer games. Enjoy posting insults while you can.
Sec. 881. Cyberbullying
(a) Whoever transmits in interstate or foreign commerce any communication, with the intent to coerce, intimidate, harass, or cause substantial emotional distress to a person, using electronic means to support severe, repeated, and hostile behavior, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.
(2) the term ‘electronic means’ means any equipment dependent on electrical power to access an information service, including email, instant messaging, blogs, websites, telephones, and text messages.’.
Yeah! All 15 of us in favor are going to take you down for saying bad things about an ugly con artist.
- just a pre-election drivel rag to elect a white/black candidate.-
You simply don't know what you are talking about, nor met or worked for Janice. Her own "community" doesn't even like nor respect her. Believe me, and I am in a position to know, her motives are pure and simple profit.
-about an ugly con artist.-
In person she's an attractive elegant lady. The schoolmarm look was contrived for her mayoral run.
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