UPDATE: Post corrected to reflect Lauren Chapin passed away late last year.
This blog is mainly about the spectacular train wreck at The Sacramento Bee and its parent company, the McClatchy Company. But I also post about current events, the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, politics, anything else that grabs my attention. Take a look around this blog, hope you enjoy it.
Two words...Value Menu!
Besides it is always romantic when you order for your date, and the order speaker is on the driver's side of the car anyway!
why don't you people see this as sad instead of taking delight in the newspapers' decline? I just don't get the mean-spiritedness of this.
I don't really care.
I ignore what "critics" have to say about restaurants and movies. There have been numerous times that I have thought the complete opposite.
Most critics usually have something shoved somewhere that makes them think that people actually care what they have to say.
I say fire the lot of them and save the money.
Isn't amazing how the more ad space you buy the better the food tastes.
These types of restaurant review stories and critics have always been BS.
The only mean-spiritedness I see is a corporation who guts every last cent from a series of newspapers whose employees work as hard as anyone I have ever known. After 15, 20--even 40 (not a joke) years of service, their jobs are 1)outsourced or 2)eliminated with no notice.
Many of these people did not work in editorial (nor do I), but those who did were often told that their positions were no longer needed for the "new business model" and two weeks later--woke up to find their jobs being handed over to any and all freelancers who would take them. At least that's how it went down at the S-T.
That is mean spirited.
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