Monday, June 8, 2009

Mark Potts: What Craigslist did to newspaper ads, Yelp could do to newspaper reviews

Click here for the story.

I never heard of Yelp until today. Can't vouch for their reviews, but Yelp is astute at targeting their users -- I googled Yelp and it took me to their Sacramento web page. But a reader had a different experience: "So did I and it went to the San Francisco page. Not only do I live thousands of miles from there, I wouldn't be caught dead in that cesspool. Cleaning my cookies."

Hat tip: comments


Anonymous said...

Another nail in the lib coffin, and their dumb pay scheme.

By charging .25 cents for their TV guide, Yelp now aces them out of now trying to charge for community reviews.

Anonymous said...

I just went there and I was given SF as well.

I checked and there is a Kansas City listed (where I am currently sitting).

Credman said...

Yelp can be a great asset but like any web-based review site is subject to shills both in favor and opposed to a specific enterprise. Unbiased is certainly not in their lexicon.

Anonymous said...

Unbiased? But it's in MNI's lexicon? How'd that Trinket sale go again?