My friend owns a burqa, a keepsake from one of her many foreign travels.
The garment is a memento that has intrigued her friends for several years now. A few of us have long mused about organizing an all-female get-together with the burqa as the centerpiece.
Envisioned is a conversational show-and-tell where everyone would try it on and come away with some deep message of what it means to be a woman in societies we consider less enlightened than our own.
We’ve never done it, and I hope we never do. We’d likely misinterpret the covering, understanding little about the women who wear them.
Sanchez doesn't recognize real oppression when it stares her in the face. Or when it covers somebody else's face. (Hat tip: Tony's Kansas City)
Photo credit: Sarwar Mushtag
Would this be the same Tony whose blog regularly features photos of women sitting on toilets?
In all seriousness, this could, if handled correctly, be a learning experience. A cultural examination of the realities of these unfortunate women who are forced to live under oppressive conditions. I would suggest someone from that culture facilitate the "party". Oh and don't call it a party as it is not something to be celebrated. Call it a learning experience.
I don't see how it's condescending, I see it from the learning experience angle as well. It's not meant to be frivolous. Better to look at it and at least imagine what it would be like to have to wear one, then to pretend other women don't.
Kevin, why did you call this "condescending"? (And citing Tony, of all people!) Want to reconsider?
Condescending describes Mary Sanchez down to her very core. This product of the PC/Affirmative Action culture was exactly they had in mind when they invented the word, C***.
The fact that she would even try and pan this off as liberating shows exactly what this little marxist "see above" is all about.
Mary Sanchez should don a burqa and wear it for evermore. That would be social justice for our eyeballs.
Let’s imagine what it feels like to be stoned to death, Mary. That would be a learning experience, too. We can just toss a few stones at each other to get the gist of things.
Do the posters who have criticized the author of this piece on the basis of her being a woman and/or suggesting violence against her have any grasp of the irony here?? Even if you make some attempt to complain about the actual content of the work (however vaguely and poorly expressed), the second you call someone the most vile term that exists for them based on an ascribed characteristic (i.e. race or gender) you automatically lose all credibility.
The poster who suggested that Ms. Sanchez don the garment for the sake of others' eyes is just as offensive even if revolting language was avoided. The thrust of the argument there is: "She shouldn't write and/or have opinions 'cuz she's ugly! Get it??"
Are these posters proud of their misogyny?
Reacting negatively to an opinion piece is perfectly appropriate - in fact, it's the nature of the exercise. However, commenters who attack the author because she is a woman spectacularly fail to understand anything about this article.
the second you call someone the most vile term that exists for them based on an ascribed characteristic (i.e. race or gender) you automatically lose all credibility.
Do you really think that they give a rat's ass about the credibility that you would assign to them or are you just attempting to impress yourself?
Mary’s next learning experience could be an all-female party wearing the thong/topless swimsuits seen on the beaches of Brazil. Think of the fun of trying to imagine what it must feel like being so free of spirit, and burqas. The glory of bare breasts might be misinterpreted by Mary, but she could come away with some deep message of what it means to be a woman in a society considered more enlightened than her own. Tony might have some photos on file to help Mary along with the project.
Mary in a thong, shudder.
Better than a thong swimsuit is the tiny string bikinis worn in the south of France. Mary could use several of them as a centerpiece, even on a small table, and hand out razors for that authentic touch. Oh, the joy of sharing the feelings, and innermost thoughts of females in another culture. Why, this could be a breakthrough for women still clothed in swimsuits with skirts.
5:40 PM- You must have really exercised yourself up over the treatment of Sarah Palin. The entire media attacked her unmercifully. How many times did you defend her?
Does this mean 6:00 and 6:20 are proud of their bikini bodies?
I have yet to figure out what else they offer to the discussion.
Re: "She shouldn't write and/or have opinions 'cuz she's ugly! Get it??"
Is Mary ugly? Who has even seen her picture? But, I’ll take your word for it, she writes ugly. Man, thanks for the heads up.
You guys are so right.
I hate columns where I'm expected to read between the lines, just like I hate people smarter than me.
As a white male, all I have left is my sense of entitlement.
So I'm going to pretend to be offended by the column, when I really know better. I'm going to make fun of how the columnist would look in a bikini, because I can say these cruel things anonymously.
I'd rather not talk about the issues, because deep down I know I'm wrong.
Is Mary ugly? Who has even seen her picture? But, I’ll take your word for it, she writes ugly. Man, thanks for the heads up.
No, she isn't ugly physically. As a person though she's insufferable, hardcore leftist, straight out of the N.O.W. Feminazi mold with a LaRaza racist bent.
She is the poster child for the P.C. Police and wouldn't waste a second to become an enforcer if it were an official title like the Religious Police in the Middle East.
These Muslim women are crazy.
One of them killed Steve McNair on the 4th of July!!!!
Allah Ackbar!
7:24 PM - It makes one wonder how a person like Mary Sanchez could even be expected to write unbiased opinions for any newspaper. Perhaps that is another reason the KC Star is on the skids? Who wants to read such worthless tripe?
7:31, She was a Baha'i with family from Iran. Not a Muslim.
7:00 PM writes: “I hate people smarter than me.”
It sounds like that would be everyone, you better try to get past that feeling.
I wonder if Mary and Rhonda Lokeman were friends? Birds of a feather, and all that affirmative action jazz.
7:31, She was a Baha'i with family from Iran. Not a Muslim.
So that's why she only shot McNair 4 times at point blank range instead of beheading him.
Wow. So, we're moving on from spewing sexist blather to straight up religious/ethnic bigotry?
Awesome. Keep it comin' geniuses!
7:58 PM That whole bunch is a little clique on the same tired leftist mission.
Cause as much hate and discontent as humanly possible to facilitate the destruction of their own country so they can reshape it in their own twisted socialist image. The only diversity of opinion in that group is their byline and the hand they wipe their asses with.
Wow. So, we're moving on from spewing sexist blather to straight up religious/ethnic bigotry?
Sorry, we learned it from the KC Star editorial board and columnists.
7:56- Afraid I can't get past that feeling.
As a white male with a sense of entitlement, I have to spew my venom on this message board.
****Wow. So, we're moving on from spewing sexist blather to straight up religious/ethnic bigotry?***
What's a Hard Left, anti-American, pro-AlQueda liberal to do?
Support the murdering Muslim who killed a American Christian or the black guy who was killed by the Muslim?
Ahem, you didn't capitalize, "Black Guy" you racis cracker!
Actually, I disapprove of racism and murder. You only disapprove of the murder part? Do you disapprove of murder less if the victim isn't an American Christian? I seriously doubt you do, but your comment leaves that impression.
There have been many murders committed by white Christians - but it's rare to see generalized, hateful statements about members of the majority after that happens, even when those murders are motivated by racial or religious prejudice.
Also, why does automatically follow that someone who makes a statement criticizing the straightforwardly racist and sexist statements on this thread a liberal? Can a conservative not be disturbed by the particularly ugly sentiments expressed here? Does being a conservative mean condoning bigotry, or being a bigot? That is being a good American?
Black is a color, guy is a pronoun. Why would either be capitalized?
Also, why does automatically follow that someone who makes a statement criticizing the straightforwardly racist and sexist statements on this thread a liberal?
It doesn't. It automatically follows that someone who makes phony accusations, constantly whines and cries about being a victim of racism, bigotry, sexism or prejudice while practicing the very same behavior is automatically a liberal.
It is the essence of your existence, your weapon of choice, and tool of last resort when someone doesn't agree with your ideology or twisted sense of superior intellect while sporting an inferior position.
Then again, it's better than just saying, "Wah, my p(**y hurts."
Bingo 10:21. It's those who cry false bigotry and racism when they disagree with a viewpoint.
This has been a total waste of 00101110111111100000000101010100010110011s
"Black is a color, guy is a pronoun."
"Guy" is a noun, not a pronoun. Where's this "superior intellect" you're always bragging about? Dumbass.
That's "constipated dumbass" to you, sir.
@5:40 -- why should women reflexively defend Palin? I would defend her against attacks based on her gender or looks (neither are relevant to her merits as a politician) but that aside, she deserves a lot of criticism and has brought most of it on herself. She's inarticulate, erratic and completely in over her head.
Who exactly is being condescended to in this article?
Who exactly is being condescended to in this article?
Anyone who reads her work (if you can call it that)
That is Mary Sanchez's shtick. Her every article is a lecture on what is acceptable and exactly how any given issue should be properly perceived.
That is why she has the reputation of PC Police.
That is the reason that so many hate her writing. Also because she's a willing propagandist and unabashed racist, but the latter is beside the point. Tony is a hard core racist himself, but he doesn't portray his words as binding to others. Mary does, in the same manner that the radical, "Dykes on Bikes", NOW crowd has become famous for.
11:32 As usual, you miss the point. There was no need for capitalization, apparently even you recognize that because you did not disagree. Instead you merely try to deflect the criticism. And yes, guy is a noun, but not a proper noun, hence no capitalization.
And, for the record I've always admitted that my grammar is horrible. My punctuation is atrocious. I need a copy editor badly. More the insult to the boob that capitalized black guy that he should get caught by someone with my pathetic skill set.
***Her every article is a lecture on what is acceptable and exactly how any given issue should be properly perceived.***
And how is this different than Altevogt, Limbaugh, Hannity and 95 percent of the posters on this blog?
****She's inarticulate, erratic and completely in over her head.****
And the same can't be said for Joe Biden? He's retarded.
"And how is this different than Altevogt, Limbaugh, Hannity" Wow, thank you.
And how is this different than Altevogt, Limbaugh, Hannity and 95 percent of the posters on this blog?
They're like night and day. The commentators you refer to do not issue directives using a completely warped sense of logic completely contrary to even the most abstract thought process.
For instance, portraying women mandated by law to be bagged in public, under the threat of death for failure to comply, as somehow being a liberating experience.
That is simply the most twisted attempt at enforcing a political agenda that flies directly in the face of what she purports to stand for.
Of course as we all know, promoting Islam under the most insidious of terms is the leftist mantra, as is vilifying anyone who dare not support the open borders agenda. Her other issue of choice.
She debates no issues, she preaches. The others you mention not only engage other points of views, they expose the flaws in them in terms that the leftist cannot defend....honestly.
"For instance, portraying women mandated by law to be bagged in public, under the threat of death for failure to comply, as somehow being a liberating experience."
I don't see anything close to that in the article mentioned here. It strikes me that those of you who dislike Sanchez' work are bringing bias to this article, where those of us unfamiliar with it see nothing eyebrow-raising at all.
My sister's church does relief work in Honduras. As part of that, they asked the congregation to voluntarily eat what a poor Honduran would eat for a day, to walk a mile in their shoes, so to speak. That's all Sanchez is saying here about American women contemplating what it would be like to wear a burqua. I don't see anything controversial there.
Its one thing to put a Burqa on by choice and have you little play time but something totlaly different when you are forced to wear it all the time or suffer beatings or even death.
I don't see anything close to that in the article mentioned here.
Then you have a reading impediment.
1:59 -- of course it is. Is that really in question here?
But somewhere between those two points lies the opportunity to at least think about what that might be like. Never looking at a burqua or thinking about it is worse than "play time".
I didn't care for Sanchez' writing style myself...but even a blind squirrel finds an acorn from time to time.
Seems to me the focus here was on getting to the heart of what women who actually wear burqas for whatever reason, truly think about the burqa. How is that condescending?
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