Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Report: CareerBuilder, part-owned by McClatchy, is the force behind Gannett's digital gains

Posting at a forum at Gannettoid, Jim Hopkins says CareerBuilder is being credited as the main driver behind Gannett's digital gains in the 2nd quarter.
"Thank goodness for CareerBuilder: In the just-issued earnings report, it appears to have been the main driver in digital revenue gains..."

But don't get too carried away: McClatchy owns just 14.4% of CareerBuilder; Gannett owns 51% of CareerBuilder.


Anonymous said...

Two steps down the toilet, 1/8th step back from the dead. Bravo!

Plus gains are in the digital not print world

Anonymous said...

If I recall correctly, a paper using CareerBuilder gets a buck for every unique visitor. More unemployed people... Yeah, you'd hope papers would be getting more revenue.

Hint to the unemployed: Use Monster. Or use CareerBuilder without going through your area newspaper.

Anonymous said...

Hold on Slim Pickens, you ain't a gonna ride that bomb just yet!

Anonymous said...

Back in Sept. 08 when Modesto laid off 170 workers or so, shortly after that didn't McClatchy lay off a bunch at
CareerBuilders...isn't that an oxymoron (and Pruitt is just a plain moron)

Anonymous said...

“CareerBuilders...isn't that an oxymoron (and Pruitt is just a plain moron)”

Good one, I totally agree!

Anonymous said...

The only thing I have seen them good for is sending out a batch of press releases about phony studies, "47% of all male empolyees work better if wife kisses them goodbye"

They usually flood the aggregate services with PR newswires to push the bad financial news right off the page.

Other than that, they're useless. We use Monster. Much better caliber of prospects there.