Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Funny, you don't look like a Steve

The photo accompanying columnist Steve Jacob's bio on the Star-Telegram's new and improved web site doesn't look right to me.

Update: just checked the link -- photo has been updated.


Anonymous said...

He, he, he. But in McClatchy's biased world, it could be Steve!

Watch, in three hours there will be no, "oopps." Instead, without explanation, they'll simply remove Steve's puss, as if he was never there.

I can just hear the Bee's Ms. Sill, "It's that darn economy"

Anonymous said...

The liars at McClatchy were probably so busy just finding any DNC shill to spin DeathCare, they couldn’t be bothered to get his/her/it’s picture right.

But who cares, to McClacthy, it’s how you spin it baby.

Say, how’s that Hendricks guy doing today?

Anonymous said...

Newspaper folk will never understand database publishing. They think because they have some two-day old hardcopy "proof" in their hands,that it "proves" that it will look the same once the data is pushed to the public.

They think because if it's in your hands, it must be 'real'. And, when the data-links get messed-up, it's this person known as "The System" at fault.

By Golly, if we ever find that guy known as "The System", we should burn down his vacation.

Anonymous said...

Change you can't believe it: It's no accident that one of main guys involved in this fiasco is a member in good standing of the Jim Witt fan club. You know, the guy without a college degree who was promoted a couple of years ago after redesigning the front page and making it into an index. He's already ruined the front page; now it's time to ruin the Web site. Heckuva job, Witty. You might want to promote him again.

Anonymous said...

Say, how’s that Hendricks guy doing today?

Roxie the Cockeying optimist had something to say about it. She of course is always a proud and victorious victim.

Anonymous said...

I liked the first photo better.

Anonymous said...

1:03 PM

He did go back and get a degree, and that got him another kiss ass promotion. But each job he gets, he has to deal with less and less people, which is a GREAT THING. EGO!!!!!!!!!!!