The nation's unemployment rate rose to 9.7 percent in August, the highest rate in more than 26 years, even as the pace of job losses slowed sharply last month, the government reported Friday.Employers shed 216,000 jobs in August, a significant slowdown from the revised 276,000 jobs lost in July. Taken along with a key manufacturing index showing growth for the first time in 18 months, Friday's job numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics are one more indication that the U.S. economy appears to have hit bottom and is on a slow upward climb.
The graphic below shows unemployment figures since Obama took office and promised to "save or create" millions of jobs.
From the Market Watch quote in the article you linked:
"nonfarm payrolls fell by 216,000, the 20th consecutive monthly decline"
"U.S. payrolls have dropped by 6.9 million to 131.2 million since the recession began in December 2007"
I'm not saying Obama is perfect, or even that good, but it's illogical to blame him entirely for the current unemployment levels.
All these idiots frame their stories the same way. If it's "less than predicted" then it's a "positive sign." These are simply awful statistics but second-tier biz reporters all play it up as if the economy has rebounded.
You have to read the Wall Street Journal to get the real story - like the real unemployment figures - between 18 and 20 percent.
The 10+ percent of the unemployed that no longer draw unemployment are (politically) irrelevant.
These charlatans have to lie if they're going to make Obama look good and like useful idiots in any tyranny, they don't think they have a choice. They might as well be working for Pravda circa 1950.
With Obama we have reached the very bottom. He is a deeply stupid, corrupt, affirmative-action parasite who has nothing but contempt for Whites. Obama is a left-wing fascist who has already defined his domestic opponents as potential terrorists. Like Lenin and Stalin before him he elevates criminals affiliated with the Black Panthers, La Raza and ACORN to positions of respect and authority.
We are in the hands of an angry, overgrown adolescent who believes his every act of corruption and illegal abuse of power is an act of moral superiority. Obama is a traitor and the logical conclusion of the last 50 years of left-wing policies. When he lies, when he fails, when he destroys this country utterly he will blame us. He doesn’t even have the sense to hide his malignant, hostile intentions.
anon 11:18
who peed in your cornflakes?
Nice rant Anonymous (September 4, 2009 11:18 AM)!
How can I take you seriously without a shred of evidence to support ANY of your allegations?
Methinks YOU are the one that lacks the sense to hide your own "malignant, hostile intentions."
Yeah, it's going to take more than a few months to overcome the disaster of the Bush administration. Chew on that for a while.
Just think, if McCain was a Democrat, he may have actually won the election
It's amazing that you label the chart the Obama unemployment rate. Obama has only been in office for just over 7 months. The unemployment rate chart should be labeled the Bush unemployment rate, the result of 8 years of the worst leadership this country has ever suffered. Your spin is so transparent that it's a joke.
"It's amazing that you label the chart the Obama unemployment rate."
Obama now owns this economy. His policies have driven unemployment UP, and it's only going to get worse.
Unfortunately, we haven't even begun to feel the pain of Obama's deficit spending.
How anyone can defend this idiot is a mystery.
I do believe the Democrats took over the budget in 2006. So that is the year to start the steady decline counting. Of course we have to add the Franks and Dodd touch to the economy slide. Geez liberals have a short memory.
The gang/pack of trolls are here again today. One wonders how they have the nerve to continue supporting the lies of Obama. He is over already, just like the old media. Liberals ruin everything they touch.
“Obama has only been in office for just over 7 months”
I seem to remember President Bush just being in office seven months or so when 9/11 happened. The liberals insisted it happened on his watch, although terrorism was building throughout the Clinton administration. I think we can, and must say the recession came on Obama’s watch. The precedent has been set, or is that too inconvenient to remember?
A Democrat on Fox Business News was trying to puff up the economy, but when quizzed closely, it was painfully obvious he was vacant on the top floor. He finally said he just wanted to offer the American people some hope, and that the constant economic bad news was just making us sad. I am sad all right, but mostly about a man being president that has not even run a successful pop stand. What ‘Hope’ can anyone have now?
The biased old media just can’t seem to choke out the bad news that their messiah, the ‘One’ they gave up their profession for, is a flop. They are so invested in the Obama’s lie that it is embarrassing to print the truth now. The bloggers will take over the new media now for sure. I see Fox News and conservative talk radio as the winners. Chris Matthews, and goons like him, will continue to be a tingling joke. The Democrats will continue their usual dialog, hiss, hiss, bray, bray, whine, whine!
I agree with poster 11:18. Obama seems to embrace socialism or worse, and that certainly is his "malignant, hostile intentions." That viewpoint is gaining more ground by the day.
This reporter must be the same McClatchy nut sandwich that predicts the company is coming back and really really strong. The stock will float through the roof and we will go wee wee wee all the way to the unemployment office.
May the force depart your aura forever and may that tingling run up and down your wimpy peg leg.
What a sad little group you neocon righties are. Just huddle over there in the corner and believe you're gaining ground and let us fix this mess you've left us in.
"What a sad little group you neocon righties are."
LOL Also known as
"Mindless Copy-And-Paste Lib Cliche #3."
2:13... you must work in something about Faux News if you are trying for any score above about a 3.2.
Anyone who understands economics understands that once the economy starts to rebeound that unemployment is the last indicator to show recovery.
Absolutely. The unemployment rate is a lagging indicator. I think 10:53 must be a second-tier business reporter.
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