Steven Thomma, who covers the Obama administration for the McClatchy DC bureau, blasted "birthers" in a piece he wrote in July.
Nothing from Thomma about Obama administration official Van Jones, a 9-11 Truther nutjob who signed a petition to get Congress to investigate whether the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 were an inside government job.
Earth to Thomma: how about some scrutiny of the people actually in power?!
Over at Jammie Wearing Fool, Steven Thomma is known simply as McClatchy Nitwit.
Come to think of it, so is our troll!
Since Van Jones is from the Bay Area, I just know the Sac Bee will have plenty of political cartoons about Jones. SARC
@ Hot Air » Van Jones also a Mumia supporter ...
"Van says white people blow poison into the black 'hood ... and how bad they are and then look at this photo with Van Jones, wife and kids. ..."
Jones has a white wife, but let me make this very clear, she did not blow poison into the black 'hood'.
“... Memo to the White House: White House "Green Jobs Czar" Van Jones is becoming toxic. …”
Not good for our environment, or our Czarship’s credibility.
Post: “Obama is not appointing czars, he constructing a politburo.”
Okay I'll bite, what is a politburo?
In Marxist-Leninist states, the party is seen as "the vanguard of the people" and therefore usually has the power to control the state, and the non-state party officials in the politburo generally hold extreme power.
Rumor has it, Van Jones is looking for slavery reparations, and he’ll bring his plan forward as soon as he figures out how to make it a project with lots and lots of green jobs.
I fully expect Obama to attack Glenn Beck, but the truth is Beck attracts an audience because he is filling the void left by the MSM not reporting the news without their biased, leftist filter. Obama attacks conservatives, and they just gain viewers and listeners. Keep it up little guy.
3:38 heh
The entire Obama agenda is about reparations by another name. His Death Care program, the "green jobs" program is about dolling up the inner city and providing plenty of loose money for all the inner city pols to dole out to ACORN, etc. In that sense they have the ideal person as their green jobs czar, a racist loon.
Oh, and does it surprise us that a newspaper chain uses socialist realism as its journalistic model? Please.
More truth to power from MNI.
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