Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Still at large

The guy in the black shirt and black shorts is a MoveOn.org supporter who bit off the finger of an Obama Care opponent last week The victim, William Rice, in the beige tee shirt and green shorts a few feet to the left of the thug. The thug hasn't been located -- and hasn't turned himself in. If you can identify this creep, call the Ventura Sheriff's Department investigations bureau (805-494-8201).




Anonymous said...

Yeah, beat up the old guy with gray hair and bite his finger off. What a bottomfeeder. Let's get this scum behind bars. How about a segment on America's Most Wanted?

Anonymous said...

It's not polite to point your finger at anybody. Especially the middle one.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he got paid (like so many of the pro-Obamacare demonstrators) to bite off a finger