Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Cartoon of the day

Cartoon by Michael Ramirez


Anonymous said...

I like some of your info on McClatchy but your politics are loco.
Healthcare a hoax? No, WMDs in Iraq was a hoax. Linking Iraq and 9/11 was a hoax. Death panels are a hoax. Saying town hall meeting thugs represent anything other than the radical fringe is a hoax. Give Americans something very American - a choice on healthcare. We of the non-paranoid part of the country (read: we not nodding in unison with Fox purveyors of hoax Beck and Hannity) are as concerned about dying from cancer and heart disease as having an airplane rammed into our office tower.
When you line up with the Fox right-wing nutjobs, got to wonder about the veracity of you McClatchy info.

Anonymous said...

2:39... Aw come on. You can do better than that. You completely left off guns, diversity, drugs, AIDS, gay rights, global warming (oops... climate change since that warming thing is not working out too well), reparations, affirmative action, snail darters, Hummers (the car kind, not the Lewinski kind), greedy capitalists, big pharmaceuticals, whales and hope and change.

Your moonbat badge is in jeopardy.

Anonymous said...

3:46... Great snark piece. That'll learn 'em!!