Veteran Kansas City Star reporter and Legal Affairs columnist Dan Margolies stunned co-workers today when it was announced he will be leaving the newspaper for greener pastures at the Reuters news agency in Washington, D.C.
His last day at the Star will be Oct. 23.
Will the last employee out please turn off the lights? (Photo credit: KC Star)
anyone with any get up and go is leaving for better a workplace. this company is working people and not paying them for ot, it is absolutely abusive...and not to mention unstable. we have no leadership..
the only people staying are those who can't get a job anywhere else or are too comfortable sucking off the teat of McClatchy to put out the effort.
Al Reuters Dhimmi Propaganda Service. He's moving up in the world! No Sir, no small time ACORN plugging hick paper for him. International Dhimmitude fo mah man.
When asked to confirm or deny Margolies' departure, "Dollars and Sense" Editor Steve Rosen proved once again that media people are the worst at media relations, "Why should I help you?"
This is the same asshole that decided to make great hay of other area business stock market losses, but flat out lied about McClatchy's own closing prices for 3 days in a row.
...and they wonder why their rag isn't fit for a poodle to piss on.
Will the last employee out please turn off the lights?
Unnecessary. The power company will have already turned off the power for failure to pay their bills by that point.
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