Thursday, November 5, 2009

Obama administration claims a Toro lawn mower purchased with stimulus money "saved or created 50 jobs"

You know it's getting bad for the Obama administration when the NYT starts pointing out the absurdity in the administration's stimulus claims.

In June, the federal government spent $1,047 in stimulus money to buy a rider mower from the Toro Company to cut the grass at the Fayetteville National Cemetery in Arkansas. Now, a report on the government’s stimulus Web site improbably claims that that single lawn mower sale helped save or create 50 jobs.



Anonymous said...

I am interested in the stimulus money paid to study the sex lives of college girls. Man, I did that for free. I want a piece of the action. Pun intended.

Anonymous said...

This article was written in June, but if anything, the “Sucker Package” fraud and abuse is worse. The emergency was a made-up ploy just as the healthcare crisis is. When do ‘We the People’ stop this nightmare?
Government Stimulus Consists Of Fraud and Abuse
By Investor's Business Daily

We're not surprised. The whole stimulus program has been a fraud from the start, promising millions of jobs and delivering few, and playing on Americans' fears to get the stimulus passed right away, because we simply couldn't wait. So far, only 6% of the total has been spent. The "emergency" was a sham.
This may be why 45% of taxpayers in a June 10 Rasmussen Poll said they'd halt stimulus spending now vs. just 36% who want it continued. They know it's not stimulus at all. It's waste, fraud and abuse on a grand scale — almost as if it was planned that way.

Anonymous said...

Toro is Spanish for what?

Anonymous said...

We have a dangerous fool leading this country.

Anonymous said...

President Barack Obama’s economic recovery program saved 935 jobs at the Southwest Georgia Community Action Council, an impressive success story for the stimulus plan. Trouble is, only 508 people work there.