Here is the latest hysterical overreaction by the Anchorage Daily News to a what is really a non-story involving Sarah Palin.
Palin-obsessed reporter Lisa Demer (above) flipped out when she learned SarahPAC received a request from the FEC for more information and requested correction of a filing mistake. Demer filed a piece with the headline "SarahPAC taken to task by feds for illegal contributions." (The ADN headline has since been changed but below is a screen grab of the original headline.)

You wouldn't know it from Demers' piece, but according to Daniel Terrapin, these requests from FEC are routine.
"...these letters are common. A few other PACs that have received similar letters, called "Requests For Additional Information (RFAI)", from the FEC include: Barack Obama's Hopefund, Inc. with 16; John Kerry's Citizen Soldier Fund with 17; Mitt Romney's Free and Strong America PAC Inc. with 9; and many others."Did you see ADN reporter Lisa Demers -- or McClatchy -- publish a story about an Obama PAC being "taken to task by the feds" after Obama's PAC got the same routine letter from the FEC? Didn't think so.
Screenshot credit: Conservatives4Palin. .
And they want people to suscribe to their paper? They are joking right?
Hat Tip should go to MW for the way this is presented. A nice screen shot of the offending article and no links to the offending slander site. This is the way all articles in McClatchy papers should be presented.
Goes to show the only safe way to filter your money is through either Bill Richardson or Chris Dodd.
...Hat Tip should go to MW for the way this is presented. A nice screen shot of the offending article and no links to the offending slander site...
Right. Don't make it easier for anyone to actually check what the article says. Just take our word for it. We'd never mislead you or misinterpret anything.
Right. Don't make it easier for anyone to actually check what the article says. Just take our word for it. We'd never mislead you or misinterpret anything.
Your McClatchy loving ass isn't so broken you can't go to the slander site itself if you choose, but that isn't why you're mad. You just don't want people to figure out that by linking to a McClatchy site even though it is being used as a bad example it is still beneficial.
Save your victimization for a righteous battle, loser.
Of course you're probably the same silly little bitch that snivels whenever a photo is posted that you might make a nickel off of.
Ted Kennedy has a date, with an income tax free state...(Established FL residency to avoid MA taxes) (Red Mass Group)
I finally figured out why Ted Kennedy wants to have Governor Devoid Patrickakis appoint someone to replace him - Ted is staying in Florida.
Ted has been in Florida since he collapsed at an Obama inauguration dinner many months ago. Like his dear mother Rose, Teddy wants to establish Florida as his primary residence in order to avoid those massive estate taxes and dreaded Massachusetts income taxes.
This is important because Teddy has a new book coming out and he wants the income from that book to be declared tax free in Florida - not Taxachusetts. The same way we all marveled at the fact that Rose was simultaneously declared the oldest resident of Barnstable even though she was living in Florida.
Ted Kennedy doesn't really want to save Massachusetts from under-representation in Washington. He wants to save himself millions on estate taxes and income taxes. Isn't that the truth?
Think about it. Ted Kennedy should be living in Massachusetts where he has the options of the finest medical care in the world. After all, he is the sitting senior Senator from this state so the very least he could do is be here. But no, Ted is in Florida! There is only one reason sick people leave Massachusetts and go to Florida - TAXES!
I can't believe it took me this long to figure out Uncle Teddy's little trick.
Don't forget he wants the Kennedy compound to be set up as a museum as another tax dodge.
I wondered if Ted's estate would try to claim he was a Florida resident to escape taxes?
Just like his mother Rose did.
After all, he did try to claim a homestead exemption on his DC home until he got caught. Blamed it on the bookkeeper.
And that's why when Teddy's mother, Rose Kennedy, died, her estate was probated in much more inheritance-friendly Florida, where she had a home, and not in Massachusetts.
Petty concerns about such trivialities as the law that requires estates be probated where the person had their legal home were just shrugged aside.
Never mind that one has to actually LIVE in a state to be a resident; even though Rose hadn't left Massachusetts in about twelve years, her family insisted that in her heart, she just KNEW she was a Floridian and wanted her estate settled that way.
Like Edwards said, "There are two Americas"
...You just don't want people to figure out that by linking to a McClatchy site even though it is being used as a bad example it is still beneficial...
So what?
"You just don't want people to figure out that by linking to a McClatchy site even though it is being used as a bad example it is still beneficial."
MW has done so now, and thanked the poster who pointed out that he hadn't. So where does that leave you? Angry, as usual.
MW has done so now, and thanked the poster who pointed out that he hadn't. So where does that leave you? Angry, as usual.
I was the one that pointed it out you F*(king idiot!
Do you just wake up in the morning stupid or do you have to work at it?
Actually you're the one who's kind of slow.
You don't need a link if you have elementary web skills.
Just go to the ADN website (, in their little search box at the top type in "Palin" and voila! There's the link to the story.
I think everyone else here knows how to do searches. You're the only one who gripes about no link.
why does conservatives4palin (a hallmark of honesty and integrity...not) get credit for the photo? It's a screenshot of a website...should you either take a screenshot yourself, or just credit the web site?
typical blognalism...keep up the good work...not
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