Saturday, October 6, 2007

Can McClatchy cover itself?

Henry Gomez is the editor of Herald Watch, a fine South Florida blog which keeps an eye on The Miami Herald, a McClatchy Company newspaper. Henry Gomez has been monitoring the case of Oscar Corral, a writer for the Miami Herald. Corral has a reputation for writing negative articles on Miami's anti-Castro exile community. Last month Corral pled not guilty following an arrest for soliciting a prostitute. The Miami Herald has been quiet about Corral's arrest, besides writing an obscure "crime blotter" blurb about the arrest but offering few details. Editors at The Miami Herald haven't seem interested in giving their readers any worthwhile information.

Herald Watch has more on Oscar Corral's arrest here and here. Stuck on the Palmetto weighed in with this in August.

Can McClatchy be trusted to cover it's own scandals? And speaking of covering its own scandals, has anybody seen McClatchy cover McClatchy's huge share price disaster? I blogged on that issue here.