Tuesday, October 30, 2007

McClatchy's "Bleak Future" - what I learned about McClatchy from a little research

Does McClatchy have a "Bleak Future" problem? I don't mean the prospects for McClatchy's revenues or circulation. I'm talking about McClatchy's obsession with the words "bleak future". And obsession is the word to use. Seriously, a little research shows the words "bleak future" are in tons of articles written by McClatchy reporters.

Take Leila Fadel, McClatchy's Baghdad bureau chief. She has written on the Iraq war for several years. Google "Leila Fadel bleak future" and the results are amazing. (Google results here.) "Despite drop in violence, future is bleak," etc. etc.

Then there is McClatchy's Warren Strobel. Warren Strobel is a correspondent in McClatchy's Washington bureau. Google "Warren Strobel bleak future" and see what you get. (Google results here.)

And don't forget McClatchy reporter Jay Price: "As violence falls in Iraq, the future is bleak for cemetery workers."