Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A message for McClatchy's anonymous blogger

McClatchy's Iraq web site carries a blog posted by several Iraqi correspondents. One of McClatchy's Iraqi bloggers heard about an incident at a school involving a supposed attack by troops on a student. Here is what he wrote:

Yesterday noon, an American squad from the United State Army (about ten to twelve) broke in Al-Mansour preparatory school for one reason or another. We don't have the right to ask them why they came to the
The soldiers spread in different spots of the school walking towards the back yard which is used as a soccer field. Most of the students were in their classes when the squad came, but still there were many students in the yard who were terrified to see the
American soldiers with their guns. One of the students was upset to see
the soldiers and he threw a stone and hit one of them. Three soldiers surrounded him kicking him with their boots for some minutes on different parts of his body. Later, a teacher of English said that the captain of the squad told him "next time if students throw stones, we will use our machine guns not the boots".

(Hint for the blogger: when US troops have intelligence that the bad guys are planting bombs at a school, or planning attacks at a school, it's deadly serious business. The troops take action. And it's a really, really dumb idea to throw a rock at a soldier when he's looking for bombs or terrorists.)