Saturday, November 24, 2007

More McClatchy embarassment: "pop culture reporter" assigned to Baghdad bureau***UPDATED, SCROLL DOWN***

Jamie Gumbrecht is a "pop culture reporter" at McClatchy's Herald-Leader newspaper in Lexington, Kentucky. Friday she announced that she is going on assignment to McClatchy's Baghdad bureau.

What are her qualifications to report on the developments in the Iraq war?

She covered the Emmys. She covered Oscar night. She reviewed an "American Idol's Live" concert. She reviewed last year's Super Bowl commercials. Earlier this year she reviewed "cute fruit" (whatever that is).

Here are some of McClatchy's previous embarassments: Bobby Caina Calvan, the mediocre reporter who dissed a US soldier at a security checkpoint then bragged about it on his blog. Jay Price, who wrote the infamous McClatchy article entitled, "As violence falls in Iraq, cemetery workers feel the pinch." McClatchy's Baghdad bureau chief, Leila Fadel, gave an embarassing speech in October where she complained about how hard her job is and how she feels like giving up. Sahar Issa, an Iraqi employed at McClatchy's Baghdad bureau, complained that she has been "branded a terrorist," presumably by Americans. Issa has also said Americans don't care about what the war has done to Iraq's education, healthcare system, and infastructure.

Are there any adults in charge at McClatchy?

UPDATE 4:15: Thanks to Don Surber for linking. He sees hope for Jamie Gumbrecht.

