Friday, December 21, 2007

1st Cavalry home for holidays

Most troops in the 1st Cavalry deployed to Iraq -- for the second time -- in October 2006. They were among the Army units whose 12-month tour was extended to 15 because of the "surge" in forces that President Bush ordered this year.

Portions of the division will not return to Texas until the end of January, but its top commander, Maj. Gen. Joseph Fil Jr. led Thursday morning's flight.

Christopher Rogers, a native of Washington, Ill., returns to a family one member larger than when he left. His son, Aidan, was born after he deployed.

His wife and children marked days on the calendar, finally arriving at a date they could be certain of.

Alysamarie, his 4-year-old daughter, was eager to show him her gift, more eager to show him how she could climb a tree now.

She had one more idea too.

"I'm going to hug Daddy all day."