Thursday, December 20, 2007

New York Times: "Something about Harry"

New York Times:

WASHINGTON — Harry Reid, the Senate majority leader, has called President Bush a loser and a liar and has referred to him derisively as King George. Mr. Reid has also apologized — but only, he likes to point out, for the “loser” line.

Mostly, Mr. Reid, Democrat of Nevada, calls the president “this guy,” as in an interview last week, when he said, “I am mystified, dumbfounded about how difficult it is to work with this guy.”

Harry Reid comes across like a petty, small-minded man in this article. As events have played out since Reid became Majority Leader, it's pretty clear Reid has been outsmarted time and time again. (My recent posts on Reid's defeats are here and here and here.) You get the idea Harry Reid knows Bush is getting the better of him, and that really bothers Reid.