Saturday, December 1, 2007

A Cavalry Commander talks about how Baghdad was won

Ralph Peters has an interview with US Army Cavalry Commander Jim Crider. Crider explains how US troops won Baghdad:

Lt. Col. Crider: Our initial experiences upon arrival in March '07 were very discouraging. The enemy controlled the ground - the people - in southwest Baghdad. I saw more combat in the first six weeks than in the entire year of Operation Iraqi Freedom I. We realized that we'd never kill or capture every enemy, so our goal was to change the conditions on the ground that allowed the insurgency to flourish. Three key factors contributed to our success: A sufficient number of troops to deny the enemy a sanctuary. A focus on security where the people live. The restoration of essential services - it was a revelation that the people viewed us as the government, so when there was no electricity, garbage pick-up, etc., it was our fault in their eyes.