Monday, December 10, 2007

McClatchy reporter mocks USA for "not being able to control a small city like Baghdad"

McClatchy's Baghdad bureau employs several Iraqis, who work as drivers, interpreters, and reporters. Some of them contribute to a blog published on McClatchy's Iraq web site. Today, one of McClachy's anonymous bloggers mocked the USA for not being able to control "a small city like Baghdad."

And at last, when I see the biggest force on earth unable to control a small city like Baghdad, I know Allah is everywhere because without his great will, people would start killing each other any moment.

One of McClatchy's anonymous bloggers recently said Iraq was better off under Saddam Hussein. Another one, who goes by the name Sahar Issa, has said Americans are ignorant about how the war has damaged Iraq's education and healthcare system. Sahar Issa also said she has been "branded a terrorist," presumably by Americans. Issa's "branded a terrorist" remarks have been widely reported, but she has never explained what she means.