Saturday, December 8, 2007

McClatchy reporter to Thomas Fingar: "I got your back"

Does McClatchy reporter Jonathan Landay have a cozy relationship with Thomas Fingar?

On Thursday Landay rushed to the defense of Thomas Fingar, after John Bolton wrote a piece in the Washington Post critical of the authors of the NIE report.

Here is Landay defending Fingar:

One of the former State Department officials to whom Bolton apparently was referring was Thomas Fingar, a veteran intelligence analyst who chairs the National Intelligence Council. Fingar worked in the State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research, which was the only U.S. intelligence agency that dissented from the 2002 judgment that Iraq had a nuclear weapons program.

Makes me wonder if Thomas Fingar is one of Jonathan Landay's anonymous sources. If so, that compromises Landay's ability to publish weaknesses in Fingar's background or his analysis.