Saturday, December 8, 2007

McClatchy falls for another bogus massacre

McClatchy does it again: another bogus massacre.

Gateway Pundit has details of the latest massacre that didn't happen.

McClatchy reported on the "massacre" here. McClatchy correspondent Laith Hammoudi's report:

Iraqi police said that 16 civilians were killed, 6 wounded and more than 20 others were kidnapped when gunmen from Qaeda attacked Dwiliyah village, part of Wajihiyah town west of Baquba city. Police said that the attack started around 8,30 am and ended around 1,00 pm. The US army said that they didn’t have any evidences of the attack.

Only one problem: it didn't happen. MAJ Peggy Kageleiry from Multi-National Force - Iraq emailed Jim, saying, "NOT true... no evidence anybody was killed, possibly 5-6 empty homes being torched... There were no No IP's wounded. No body was killed, 5-6 homes were assessed as those reportedly burned. CF assessment: Wildly inflated, irresponsibly exaggerated claims."

It looks like ABC and AP were the worst offenders this time. I've previously noted McClatchy reporting bogus massacres here and here.