Saturday, December 29, 2007

More human remains found near suspected Al Qaeda torture chamber - US suspects additional bodies will be found***UPDATED - SCROLL FOR UPDATES***

Details are emerging regarding a horrific Al Qaeda torture chamber located in Iraq earlier this month. Coalition forces recently discovered a human corpse at the location near Baquba, days after Iraqis had dug up 2 human skeletons at the location. Multi-National Force - Iraq has the new information:

FORWARD OPERATING BASE WARHORSE, Iraq – Responding to a tip from an Iraqi citizen, Coalition Forces discovered a body buried approximately eight miles northwest of Baquba Dec. 28. Several days before, Iraqis had dug up two skeletons at the same location.

The body discovered by CF was shot in the head, and his hands were tied in front of him. It appeared that he had been in the ground at least a month.

The Iraqi citizen reported the site contained approximately 20 bodies.

The find coincides with reports that al-Qaeda in Iraq used a nearby shack as a prison and torture chamber for kidnap victims, said Lt. Col. Patrick Mackin, 4-2 SBCT intelligence officer, who believes more bodies are buried in the area.

Previous posts on Al Qaeda's torture chamber here and here and here.

UPDATED 10:55 PM: This is a different torture facility, not the one previously disclosed by MNF-I 12/20/07. (Email from MNF-I 12/29/07 confirms this is a different facility.)