Thursday, January 3, 2008

Clinton's post-Iowa talking points: "serious times"

A Clinton supporter forwards the talking points the campaign dispatched to surrogates around the country, which focus on process — that the race is a "marathon" and that she started behind in Iowa — and include just one line of substance, a clear signal that the card she has left to play is the one she rolled out in recent weeks: security and risk.

"We’re going to continue to make the case that, in these serious times when America faces big challenges, it will take a leader with Hillary’s strength and experience to deliver real change," the talking points say.

That strategy is doomed to failure. For Hillary to pull off a "serious times" campaign, she's going to come across as a lecturing school marm, and that will turn New Hampshire voters off. Nobody wants to hear don't-you-know-how-serious-this-is lectures from Hillary Clinton. The Clinton people will need some gaffes from Obama; otherwise, Hillary is in deep trouble.