Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Details emerge on Jay Grodner...was censured for voter fraud, and is a Democrat

More details are emerging about Jay Grodner, the anti-military lawyer who vandalized a Marine's car.

Via Bill Hennessy, in 1984, Jay Grodner was censured by the Illinois State Supreme Court for his involvement in a voter fraud scam.

The hearing panel found that all respondents knowingly engaged in fraudulent activities contrary to justice, honesty and good morals and that the legal profession [99 ILL2D 246] was disparaged as a result . . .

The Review Board concluded that the respondents’ forgeries on the petitions undermined our democratic system of government and that their fraudulent activity brought the legal profession into disrepute. That board recommended . . . six-month suspensions for respondents. . .

Flying Debris reports Jay Grodner is a Democrat. (Anybody surprized?)

See the police report here. In court on 12/31, Grodner got a continuance to a time he knew McNulty would be in Iraq. Eyewitness account of the 12/21 court hearing here.

Hat tip: Flying Debris. Previous here. Blackfive started it all.