Monday, January 7, 2008

Hillary Clinton: Slip sliding away in New Hampshire - new Reuters poll has her 10 points down ***UPDATED - USA TODAY POLL HAS HILLARY DOWN 13

MANCHESTER, New Hampshire - Democrat Barack Obama rocketed to a 10-point lead over Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire one day before their showdown in the state's presidential primary, according to a Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby poll released on Monday.

"This is a breathtaking movement in Obama's direction," said pollster John Zogby. "It's a surge for Obama and movement away from Clinton."

Thomas Edsel says the Hilary campaign is "anticipating probable defeat" in New Hampsire. Faithful Progressive offers advice to Hillary that she will probably be unable to follow: "stop talking about yourself." (I know her husband can't stop talking about himself.)
UPDATE 5:40: USA TODAY poll has Hillary trailing Obama by 13 points. Hillary was ahead in the New Hampshire polls until recently, so this is a big drop. Since the primary is Tuesday, the only question is, can Hillary survive a New Hampshire defeat? I don't see how she can.