Thursday, March 6, 2008

Al Qaeda torture house located... facility had electrocution system consisting of bare wires linked to on/off switch connected to handcuffs...

Sons of Iraq led coalition forces to an Al Qaeda torture house in Iraq on March 5.

Inside the facility troops located materials used by insurgents for torture. There were handcuffs, an electrocution system consisting of bare wires linked to an on/off switch running to handcuffs on a window bar, and, hanging hooks used for humans. The above photo shows hooks attached to a door. Citizens in the area told troops the hooks were used to hang humans from. Interrogation books written in Arabic were found, along with several sets of female clothing. Troops also observed a bloody handprint. (Photo credit: Multi-National Division-Central.)

You think McClatchy will cover this? Not going to happen. McClatchy only covers torture when they suspect suspect US troops are the perps.

Previous related:

More human remains found near suspected Al Qaeda torture chamber - US suspects additional bodies will be found***UPDATED - SCROLL FOR UPDATES***
Al Jazeera reports on Iraq 'Torture Chamber,' but not McClatchy
Horror in Iraq Part II - suspected torture complex, human remains
Horror in Iraq: Coaltion forces discover terrorist torture facility