In a statement, Tim Einenkel from Air America said, "Air America Media was informed last night by Ms. Rhodes that she has chosen to terminate her employment with the company."
Rhodes was suspended from the network last week after reports surfaced that she went on an obscenity-laced rant directed primarily at Hillary Clinton and Geraldine Ferraro, while speaking at an Air America function.
Rhodes has been hired by The Nova M Radio Network, which released the following statement Thursday:
The Nova M Radio Network is thrilled to announce the addition of “The Randi Rhodes Show” to its nationally syndicated talent offerings beginning this Monday, April 14, 2008.
Randi Rhodes is the #1 rated progressive talk radio host in the nation.
Nova M CEO John Manzo says, “I just can’t stop smiling - Randi is simply the biggest and the best. Randi Rhodes and Mike Malloy under one roof - talk about TALENT!”
Rhodes had a history of unusual behavior. Last October, she claimed she had been assaulted while walking her dog in New York City. Within hours, her fellow talk show hosts at Air America suggested she had been assaulted "for her ideas" and speculated the right wing was trying to silence her. But it turns out she hadn't been assaulted at all.
Rhodes also was known for demented jokes about shooting President Bush. Apparently there is an audience among liberals for this kind of sick stuff.
But some lefties admit they are disgusted with her behavior.
Previous unhinged liberals:
Unhinged liberal talk show host goes on profane anti-Hilary rant
Unhinged liberal blogger hopes John McCain has a brain aneurysm
(Photo via change-links.org/RandiRhodes)