When the uproar over Wright started, Obama chief strategist David Axelrod asked his friends at Jasculca Terman -- a public affairs firm -- to advise Trinity on how to handle the crush of media coverage, and they did, pro bono. Jim Terman, the president of the firm, said, "We were not asked to provide our advice about the reported speech of Rev. Wright in Washington" and did not know about it until it was scheduled.
Jasculca Terman and Associates is a major Chicago P.R. firm that specializes in doing crisis PR management for corporations and large institutions. The company reportedly worked at no charge.
Maybe now we know the moving force behind the TUCC scrubbing the church web site, including links to Louis Farrakhan and access to Trumpet magazine.
This development was posted at Talking Points Memo several weeks ago. (Hat tip: Gateway Pundit)
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