Tuesday, May 13, 2008

McClatchy's Leila Fadel unable to tell a good story without inserting politics

McClatchy's Leila Fadel had a great story to tell - a remarkable story about a US soldier who arranged for prosthetics for an Iraqi girl who lost two legs in a roadside bomb attack. It's a tremendous, heart-warming story. But Fadel managed to ruin it by inserting politics into the story. (You can read her piece here.)

Twice in the article Fadel mentions that Staff Sgt. Luis Falcon was plagued with doubts about the legitimacy of the US mission in Iraq. (Way to set off a stink bomb the story.) As an activist journalist, Fadel is unable to keep her anti-war views out of the story. And by inserting politics in her piece, Fadel insulted her readers and diminished the nobility in what the soldier did.

Warner Todd Huston's take on Fadel ruining a good story here.

If you want to know more about Staff Sgt. Luis Falcon arranging for legs for the 12 year old Iraqi girl, without Fadel's annoying political garbage, BlackAnthem has the story, with excellent photos, here.
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