Greiling was responding to Kersten's two columns addressing the TIZA Muslim school. See her columns here and here.
Scott Johnson goes through statements in Kersten's two columns and shows how her statements are undisputed. Scott's piece is called "Greiling's Grandstanding." The concluding paragraph:
In short, Rep. Greiling has failed to cite a single fact in her letter to support her claim that Kersten grossly violated journalistic standards or that she should be asked to resign. Under the circumstances, her letter is an abuse of her legislative position. Rep. Greiling should demonstrate Kersten's "gross distortion of facts" or should resign herself.
Liberals like Greiling want to silence all criticism of Muslims, even to the point of demanding conservative columnists be fired. Thank God people like Scott Johnson are standing up to the left-wing barbarians.
Greiling is Minnesota State Representative for District 54-A. Her web site is here. In 2005 she was "Feminist of the Year and Founding Feminist, MN Women’s Political Caucus." Her motto is "Proven leadership Bringing people together." Photo credit: house.leg.state.mn.us
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