Monday, June 2, 2008

Another Anger Management moment: an enraged Bill Clinton fires off press release claiming he has saved 1.3 million people in his post-Presidency

Looks like Mr. Volcanic Temper is having another episode. Furious over a recent Vanity Fair article accusing him of carousing and hanging out with people who have bad judgment (this is news to who?), Clinton fired off an angry press release answering the charges. Or more exactly, not answering them.

This part of Clinton's press release jumped out at me:
Most revealing is one simple fact: President Clinton has helped save the lives of more than 1,300,000 people in his post-presidency, and Vanity Fair couldn't find time to talk to even one of them for comment.

Full press release here.
In addition to having an anger problem, Clinton is an obnoxious megalomaniac.