Monday, June 2, 2008

Sacramento Bee folding its business and "Metro" sections into a generic "Our Region" section

It looks like business coverage at McClatchy newspapers will be taking a hit as the newspaper chain deals with declining ad revenues and rising costs. Last month, Talking Biz News noted this:
"... a similar-sized McClatchy paper, the Sacramento Bee, is expected to soon announce that it’s cutting its stand-alone section beginning next month."
The Sacramento Bee has announced it will be folding its business and "Metro" sections into a generic "Our Region" section. Melanie Sill made the announcement over the weekend. Her announcement included a promise the business coverage will increase. Sacbee:
Business coverage won't be cut, she says. "In fact, we want to expand it with more news (print and online) and improvements in the Sunday business section."
I can't imagine how the Bee can increase business coverage the way Sill implies, unless she means the increase will come from online news. Or, the Sunday business pages - not the weekday pages - will be increased. And by the way, what kind of name is "Our Region"? Most Bee readers live in Sacramento, not in a Region.
McClatchy's Raleigh newspaper may drop business stand-alone, Sac Bee may follow
McClatchy's Raleigh newspaper getting skinnier