Sunday, June 29, 2008

Democratic congressman says he is glad al-Qaeda can set its sights on Bush administration official

One of the developments I missed while I was on vacation was the episode of Democratic congressman Bill Delahunt saying he is glad al-Qaeda can set its sights on a Bush administration official. The official, David Addington, was apparently involved in some way in setting the Bush administration policy on waterboarding. Here is the video:

Via PowerLine, here is the transcript:

DELAHUNT: Was waterboarding one of them?

ADDINGTON: That's what I'm answering, because I know where you're headed. As I indicated to the chairman at the beginning of this thing, I'm not in a position to talk about particular techniques, whether they are or aren't used or could or couldn't be used or their legal status. And the reasons I would give for that, if you'll look at, I think, Exhibit 9, the president's speech of September 6, 2006, explains why he doesn't talk about what particular techniques...

DELAHUNT: Oh, I can understand why he doesn't talk about it.

ADDINGTON: But you've got to communicate with Al Qaeda. I can't talk to you. Al Qaeda may watch "C-SPAN."

DELAHUNT: Right. Well, I'm sure they are watching and I'm glad they finally have a chance to see you, Mr. .

ADDINGTON: I'm sure you're pleased.

DELAHUNT: Given your penchant for being unobtrusive.

Delahunt's obvious meaning is that al-Qaeda may want to target Addington and torture or murder him. Delahunt has since tried to backtrack and claim he was merely saying he was glad to be able to see Addington in person, but that claim is obviously a lie.

AJ Strata and others are calling on Delahunt to resign.

At the very least, Delahunt should be censured. On C-SPAN.

By the way, congressional Democrats, including Nancy Pelosi, were briefed on waterboarding in 2002, and had no objection.