Thursday, July 31, 2008

While Obama tells people to inflate their tires properly, McCain calls for more oil production

John McCain called for more oil drilling during a visit to an oil field near Bakersfield, California this week. Good for him. (Photo Alex Horvath, The Californian). It happens that John McCain is talking about what we need to do to meet our energy needs the same week Mr. Empty Suit is telling crowds we wouldn't need to drill for oil if people would just inflate their tires properly and get regular tuneups.

My earlier thoughts on drilling in Bakersfield and Anwar here.


yologuy said...

If you actually believe that increased drilling is going to have any significant impact on the cost of oil/gasoline in the US, I submit that you're a bigger idiot than McCain (who's just pandering like all politicians). Even the US government's own analysis says so:
Just like McCain's gas tax holiday proposal, totally meaningless - but also obviously seductive to those who can't be bothered spending 5 minutes to look beyond the rhetoric.

Kevin Gregory said...

Yologuy, more oil production will bring down the cost. It's supply and deman. Maybe the price wouldn't fall as low as I'd like but it would give some relief to people buying gas at the pump.

Also, if we drill inside the US or offshore or Anwar, that would have the additional benefit of more US jobs. I'd like to see us support American oil production rather than middle east oil production.

TheBronze said...

yologuy, you aren't too smart, are you?

Kevin Gregory said...

Maybe Yologuy left to properly inflate his tires.