Sunday, August 31, 2008

Bravado at the top

McClatchy CEO Gary Pruitt and Sacramento Bee executive editor Melanie Sill were full of bravado as recently as early summer. But no more.


Anonymous said...

Thanks to you who does this blog....we're very thankful. I' m trying to decide within the next few days whether to take a buyout or not. You really help.

Anonymous said...

Well many employed by McClatchy have a number of names we would like to call Pruitt, but being civil I'll just say he has his head somewhere where he can't see what's going on around him. He quotes songs by Lenny Kravitz, Rolling Stones etc. to try to put a light spin on what he perceives to be happening at McClatchy. His latest state of the Bee he signed off with the Rolling Stones...You Can't Always get what you Want...
He has in the past given us a rosy picture of how the company is is more like Nero...He's fiddling while "Rome" burns. HE DOES NOT SEE WHAT IS HAPPENING! The Modesto Bee WAS and still IS a paper that is in the black. As far as I know it always has been in the black, but because it is not performing up to some bean counter's expectations, we get axed. The latest joke at the Bee...How do you know when a Modesto Bee employee is at your front door? He's wearing a Pizza Hut hat. BY THE WAY...Last Sunday Publisher Margaret Randazo actually had an A-1 update on The Bee...We'll Still Be Here For You...WHO is we Margaret? You and the janitor that keeps your trash can empty? Better fix the morale before a mass exodus or worse yet a mutiny happens. To the anonymous poster..take the buy out if you have enough years for a decent pay out before the company files Chapter 11.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA...Margaret and the janitor. We all know at the Modesto Bee we cant even afford a janitor thats why we are emptying our own trash. They only clean out cans twice a week. We cant even afford plants in the building we had to give those back also. Its almost like walking into a morgue all dead quiet.

Anonymous said...

Good profit means nothing just ask employees at the KC Star. Everyone has to pay for someone's bone headed idea. Time Gary goes. McClatchy buying all the KR papers have now put us all out. My 20 years down the drain. KC has always been a profitable paper. What a sorry mess Gary and his bandits have left.

Anonymous said...

We still do have one full time maintainance guy...and he does a good job...considering they laid off his other two helpers on bloody Monday. I'm surprised they haven't cut the bottled water yet...oops, better not give them any more ideas. The garage is closed, the trucks are in need of repair, but they just tag them out of service. When is the Band Doo Doo Wah ( )going to write a song about the foibles of McClatchy and Gary Pruitt? ...should be a good one!