Friday, August 8, 2008

Did a Cuban agent contribute editorials to McClatchy's Miami Herald?

Henry Gomez says evidence is mounting that an editorial contributor to the Miami Herald has been an agent of Castro's communist government.

Counterintelligence officials have identified Marifeli Pérez-Stable, a regular contributor to the Herald's editorial pages, as a Cuban agent. Perez-Stable is currently a professor but had meetings in Canada with her Cuban case officer in the 1990s, according to counterintelligence official Lt. Col. Chris Simmons.

The Miami Herald is circling the wagons and blasting the accusers.
Joe Oglesby, editor of The Herald's editorial page, defended Pérez-Stable. ''This is nothing more than a witch hunt,'' he said. "This is character assassination and these issues have been raised and dealt with in the past.''
Yelling "witch hunt" and "character assassination" at people who raise serious questions is not the way to build trust with readers.

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