Friday, September 5, 2008

Sacramento Bee columnist Anita Creamer: "Sarah Palin is exploiting her daughter"

Sacramento Bee columnist Anita Creamer says Sarah Palin is a bad mother who is exploiting her 17 year old daughter for political ambition.
"I'd like to think that most mothers wouldn't leap at the chance to sacrifice their 17-year-old pregnant daughter's right to privacy on the altar of their own political ambitions. But that's exactly what Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has done.

"Is that what political partisans mean when they carry on about so-called "family values"?  To me, one of the most disturbing parts of the Palin family melodrama unfolding on the national stage this week is this: Bristol Palin's pregnancy should never have been a matter of public debate."
Now watch Creamer go for Palin's motherhood jugular:
"Parents are supposed to protect their children rather than exploit them for their own purposes."
The strange thing is, Creamer is a feminist. Bizarre to watch a feminist tell Palin she should quietly go home. So much for "Well-behaved women never make history" or whatever that feminist bumper sticker says.

But seriously, McClatchy's anti-Palin drumbeat is getting over the top.

I predict McClatchy's bashing of Palin will get a whole lot worse.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hiding the daughter's pregnancy would have been easy. Just announce to the Sacremento Bee that John Edwards was the father and you would never have heard a word.