Via comments:
I know most that are still working won't want to hear this but the best news we could hear is MCCLATCHY SOLD. I took a look at the NEW press plant in Kansas City and that's where your jobs went. Please everybody take a look at KC Star web site and see for yourself. Just think we used to make money.
Photo courtesy newpressroom.com
Also in comments, another readers points out major problems with the facility:
The entire IT/programming staff is working out of a conference room. After moving out of a building earlier this year to save money.
After some storms earlier this year there are places where the roof leaks in the mailroom.
Sections of the copper siding has fallen off and not been replaced because of the Wind, rain & changing of the seasons.
The high tech print quality of the front page sometimes produces blurred Double images just like the old presses did.
The inserting quality of the papers is just as bad with the newer equipment than it was with the older inserting machine.
As some of the leases are no longer renewed to save money in other building throughout the city, the new star press building has become the place to relocate staff.
Knight Ridder built that. It opened in 2006, just before McClatchy absorbed KR. So not only are you wrong, it's not "new" anymore. That't two errors in the same post.
There's a website called Google that lets you search news sites and bring up past articles. It would have revealed the plant was approved in 2002 - when KR owned The Star.
Check it out sometime.
Fact-checking and accuracy go out the window here at cancelthebee.blogspot.com!
Just as rock hill noted Knight Ridder built the printing Presses.
There are some items of note:
The entire IT/programming staff is working out of a conference room
After moving out of a building earlier this year to save money.
After some storms earlier this year there are places where the roof leaks in the mailroom.
Sections of the copper siding has fallen off and not been replaced because of the
Wind, rain & changing of the seasons.
The high tech print quality of the front page sometimes produces blurred
Double images just like the old presses did.
The inserting quality of the papers
Is just as bad with the newer equipment that it was with the older inserting machine.
As some of the leases are no longer renewed to save money in other building throughout the city, the new star press building has become the place to relocate staff.
You missed the BEST ABOUT THE KC STAR BUILDING THEY CONTINUALLY SHOOT OUT THE GLASS. Yep, bullets that's what shoots out the glass. I don't know about anybody else but I consider 2 years old new. Why don't you ask what the utilities run for an ALL glass building.
For the good part, they paid for the building almost twice. The first company they hired and paid went bankrupt and didn't pay the all the contractors so the Star had to pay all of the workers themselves again. Check it out rock hill. Just the facts man.
Hey Rock Hill! Why don't you tell everybody how many of those "new" presses are not used and never have been. Anybody in their right mind would call 2 year old building new. So NO there was not any errors reported about the Star building. Maybe you better reread the blog. The KC Star is a McClatchy paper and it is new. So we are fast checking. The 2 billion dollar debt is much to do with the KC Star building.
in all fairness, windows being shot out isn't an occurance that "CONTINUALLY" happens. that happened once or twice when the building was brand spankin' new (as opposed to 2 years new). the shooters were supposedly disgruntled construction workers from the company that went bankrupt.
I love the word "continually" and once or twice. How many sections of windows not "continually" have been shot out. "supposedly" done by a disgruntled construction worker. I guess the "bankrupt" story was true about paying for the building twice. Hmmmmmmm
Believe me KC Star if not about "Fairness". Remember they are now hiring for the same positions that they laid off in August and September. You want to talk about fairness......please, spare me. I guess that's the Knight Ridder way though.
Anonymous #1- so, am I incorrect in saying that the window shootings are NOT a continuing occurence? is this something that continues to happen to this day? it is my understanding that that happened maybe once, maybe twice, maybe fifty times over 2 years ago and to my knowledge not since. but really, wgaf. not me, but I do think its ridiculous to make it sound like that building is under constant gunfire.
Anonymous #2- you don't have tell me. I'm not sticking up for the Star. my point in stating "in all fairness" - why would anyone need to resort to exagerations when talking about the Star? the realities of what they do are quite enough to make them look bad.
50 times window shot out? Maybe if it was a brick building it wouldn't happened. I don't think ANYBODY stated that they were under constant gunfire. WHO is exagerating? Do you really want to talk about fairness? Are they not hiring to replace workers that they let go?
Just the facts man, just the facts.
I guess if you live in a glass house you better not throw stones. I love it. Only can be done at a McClatchy paper. Can't wait for a hail storm I hear they have many of those in the midwest.
Don't throw stones HA HA HA...check out this video about the crazy guy who broke out the windows at the Modesto Bee!
just the facts? okay. the windows are not being continually shot out. I'm not going to argue fairness issues regarding filling those positions, it has nothing to do with windows being shot out two years ago.
Please try and agrue fairness about replacing workers you got rid of....please. We would all like to hear it.
It should be noted that while The Star is badly managed, it -- unlike the Sacramento "flagship" of the McClatchy chain -- is making money. Lots of it. I understand the "flagship" is losing money. Lots of it. If it weren't for the Knight Ridder deal, as a matter of fact, the McClatchy chain would be in the red. Deeply in the red. Any questions?
That shiny new production facility of The Star's will be a parking garage for the Sprint Center and Power & Light District in about 5 years or so
No matter how much money your making now YOUR PLANT is nothing more than a GREAT expense and nothing more than a WHITE ELEPHANT that produces a product that NOBODY will want in 5 years.
Oh by the way how much did that WHITE ELEPHANT cost to build? That's part of the 2+ billion we now owe. So there. Your question is now answered. You better be making money.
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