Monday, October 27, 2008

Monday Oct. 27 -- got news or a tip? update on layoffs?

If you have news or a tip, leave it in comments.


Anonymous said...

Does anybody know anymore about layoffs/buyouts coming? What about the KC Star are there any others?

Anonymous said...
Circulation: 83,878 daily and 88,380 Sunday.
The Sunday draw used to be what the daily draw was and the Sunday draw was well over 90,000 (95,000?). I wonder how fresh the figures are on really are?

Anonymous said...

Heard this bit of interesting news on NPR radio. The Christian Science Monitor is going totally paperless! They are a non-profit, religious run paper that has won Pulitzers and they are (I think) the first major paper to go totally on-line. Is that what sGary Pruitt is attempting?

Anonymous said...

The Tri-City Herald announced it's laying off its circulation director. This after the heads of the IT and customer service depts. unceremoniously left earlier in the year. And the head of HR retired a year or two ago, leaving only one HR rep. None of these managers have been replaced. Some have speculated they're "chopping off the heads", but it seems like it may be turning into a reality.