In three separate donations since January, McClatchy, the Pirates' former CEO and now a minority owner, has stuffed $33,100 into the campaign coffers of Democrats, Federal election records reveal.
McClatchy has given the maximum $4,600 to Obama. He also made a $28,500 contribution to the Democratic National Committee.
Kevin McClatchy is still a director at the McClatchy Company. (AP photo by Gene J. Puskar)
And so do all the other CEO's of media companies. Murduch family of Fox News has always donated to the Republicans but they also gave to Hillary this year. So he is no different than others.
man that's the great thing about our freedoms mr. mcclatchy watch. i sure hope you're not suggesting we get rid of the freedom to back the political party you wish. that would be rather anti speech now, wouldn't it
He's just pissy because McBush is getting his ass whipped.
how wonderful. While we're losing our jobs in droves you're pissing $28k (that we have record of) to the worst thing in america POLITICS/DEMS.
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