Is this is location of the Spammer? I just checked my Stat Counter and noticed somebody in Kansas City has been spending an unusual amount of time on this blog. The red dot on the above map shows somebody on a computer in Kansas City visited this blog 41 times between 6:55 PM and 8:01 PM Thursday. That is not normal. His ISP is AT&T. I'm not going to publish his IP address but I have it. His operating system is Windows XP. Hey Spammer -- you're welcome to come and participate but knock off the spamming.
I've had to delete 50 spam comments in less than 24 hours. (Previous post on the Spammer's mental instability here.)
If you get the grid coordinate, just give the word. He's probably within mortar range!
It's possible that it's Rhonda Lokeman , drunk on the computer.
triangulate on me - I am in KC
It's possible that it's Rhonda Lokeman , drunk on the computer.
Very well could be. AT&T is the only provider serving the hood rats with UVerse. Where's the art studio? 18th and Vine? Someone dawn your Kevlar and do a recon. See if there is anyone cruising Emanual Cleaver Blvd on three wheels.
I am on here with AT&T's UVerse, in KC, but I am not on a PC - it is a MacBook Pro.
...If your close behind, follow the sparks and the grinding sound. If following at a distance, the gouge marks in the pavement are your best clue. If you can see her beady, pig like eyes, you're too close..back off and wait for reinforcements.
Hey .. I'm in KC and use AT&T, and I check this blog's headlines often. I quit reading the comments because I felt they were getting out of hand. I recently sent an e-mail to the blog host concerning political disagreements on the site. I'm all for free speech, but I'm not into the right vs. left right now. Host, please know I'm not your guy.
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